Registration Forms
Parents can be registered at no cost when you register a litter.
You must still provide all of the proper documentation.
You must be a member to register a litter or a dog or puppy with the IBCA.
* Non payment for IBCA Services such as Membership and Pedigrees will result in Registration Services
being placed on hold for 30 days.
If this situation has not been rectified in the 30 day hold period,
the dog or dogs will be removed from our database, and fee of $50 must be paid in order to have
that dog reinstated.
Our preferred method of payment is Paypal.
In order to register with
us click on the appropriate form below, print it,
fill it out and mail it in
to us. Or if you prefer, you can e-mail it.
All I.B.C.A. litter registrations will be e-mailed to you as part of our "Going Green" program.
It is your responsibility to print out the required number, and give them to your puppy customers.
*All forms are in Adobe PDF Format, Open needed form and click print. If you do
not have the current Adobe Acrobat Reader Click below and download at no charge.

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